April 4  - April 15

Stanislav Javorsky
Nizny Novgorod, RUSSIA

one-person exhibition of photography

Javorsky A. Stanislav - photographer, member of Union of the photoartists of Russian Federation, AFIAP, Deserved worker of culture of Russian Federation. Honoured man of Russian culture. The participant of more than 400 exhibitions in country and abroad. More than 100 awards of various dignity. He was born in Nizhny Novgorod (Gorky) in a 1937.

39 colour photographs are exhibited.

8th of March            Gymnastics              Equilibrim

Gravitation               Bureaucracy              Illumination

Upward flight               Discipline              A Miner's Day

"Love is a matter of tastes"

So people say when they do not want to involve into debates or want to escape
discussion, holding this phrase as a schield protecting their silence. "Love is a matter of tastes" a beautiful analogue of the first saying when the author is asked, why he uses as models such plump ladies, the author doesn't know what to answer. It goes without saying that he asked himself seeking the answer to this
question. Not very often was he lucky! First of all, cult statuettes found in southern steppes came to my mind, the statuettes of so called "Scythian women" - goddesses of fertility worship of then promised to our ancestors the hopes for survival. Judging by works of art, subjects of household activities, cult images.
It's quite possible to say that fashion working on gregarious instincts and always ruling over the majority of any society, has been changing.

It's predictions all the time. Depending on the situation plump, skinny ladies or even men (as it occures today) could be the object of passion. According to this wide range of weaknesses, perhaps in the heart of every author can arise a strong desire to announce his own view against the universal yelling. Temptation to do so is getting strong because never in the History, in authors opinion, was there such a mass passion for little "cobwebs", so, if you permit me, the author will tenderly
call scinny girls who have very long legs.

Obviously, this passion we know from advertisement about; the advertisement
whereby its easier to use "walking clothhangers" than to waste money on adjustment of clothing, accessories etc. for stouter women, i.e. not to complicate the life. In this situation magnificent, grandiose shapes of plump women are deprived of attention, but they doubtless deserve it! Under the judgement of the author despite of visible dislike on the part of press, Plump women do not fell
wounded. It seems that the unbridled propaganda of "cobwebs" promoting pleases
them because they are consaous of their superiority without excessive advertising.
Probably, it was not necessary for the author to spend so many words for eulogy of objects of his attention. Photos that he's attached to the letter, speak for themselves about his predilections. Formally author went from "Scythian women", from their resolves and texture.

                    Stanislav Javorsky

Virtual exhibition of Stanislav Javorsky's photograps
will be accessible on-line up to May 2000

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