Re: problems to resolve fast !
Well skyfire also hasn't been fixed since I began playing Panzar. Or is it meant to go his own way and based on luck? Even when I hold my mouse still and I look 5 seconds like a cute to where my skyfire goes, because I can't move my mouse ( else it surely will go somewhere I didn't put it), then still the skyfire can go to the right or left, meaning it can touch a rock or building and yes, you wasted 60cp for that.
Tournament system still bugged.. When you look at the grid of tournaments and you want to watch a team you get an error and panzar will close. ( Tournament is tomorrow and we can't prepare to counter our enemy when we don't see their team...)
And are the halloween maps meant to be this unbalanced? I mean.. Yesterday I was in a game with 11 gunners, and before that I had a game with 10 inquis in it.
I'm sure I also forgot some things to mention like cokeliko, but there is enough work at the moment I think