Instructions for creating MSInfo and dxdiag files
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Author:  JSarge [ Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Instructions for creating MSInfo and dxdiag files

Here are the instructions for MSInfo and dxdiag files which can be added to email send to for providing us useful information about your system specifications. This information can help us solve many technical issues and help you out getting back in the game!

Instructions for dxdiag.txt

Press simultaneously Windows key + R
Type "dxdiag" and hit enter
A popup may appear, asking about digital signatures, answer yes.
DirectX Diagnostic Tool appears, use "Save All Information" to create the file to any location where you can later find it.
Attach the file to your email.

Instructions for MSInfo.txt

Press Windows Key + R.
Type MSInfo32 and press Enter.
In the MSInfo diagnostic window, click File, then Export.
When the Export As window appears, choose Desktop.
Name the file "MSInfo" and click Save.
Attach the file to your email.

Instructions for LogBackup files

Find logs by following folder path (if the game has been installed into the default path) C:\Games\Panzar\LogBackups
Make a zip package of that folder (Right-click on the folder -> Send to Compressed zip folder)

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