Game Crashes Consistantly and Randomly!
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Author:  thedaelin [ Sat Nov 30, 2013 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Game Crashes Consistantly and Randomly!

Tested both setting options between High Performance (on the launcher, but says Max Performance in game), and High Quality. On High Performance the game sometimes runs but crashes like the title suggests frequently and in random spots never the same event causing a crash. But when I turn up my settings to High Quality (which runs about 10 fps slower going from a 50 fps cap to 40 fps, playable yes but it can get cumbersome) I have witnessed no crashing. I'm not sure if the latest drivers conflict with the max performance (or high performance in the launcher) settings or what but I don't get crashing unless I turn my settings DOWN which is weird!!!!

P.S. Whats up with the 50 FPS cap in Fullscreen Vsync? Instead of my native refresh of 60hz.. :(

Author:  cokeliko [ Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Game Crashes Consistantly and Randomly!

as far as i know the crash is a misteries since 6 months for this game and nobody from panzar can clearly explain it to us, lot of players got these crash for variable reason.

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