Zombies bug
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Author:  Xylar [ Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Zombies bug

I met a few times with a bug, I guess (though also some break in my connection came into my mind), which makes me be unable to see what anyone is doing. The last time - yesterday - it appeared just after my getting into a game (already started). Every, or almost, player was taking some strange pose which could only seem that they were dead - never would you think they're alive and can hurt you. The only thing that was right with them was that I could see their location on the map - I knew where they were going. But I couldn't see if one was blocking, hitting or whatever. It fixed either after each player's or mine respawn (not sure about the second option). I wasn't recording this (do you know some good programme to record game), but i made a few screenshots one after another (excluding the first one made a few more seconds before the next ones - after the first screenshot i got like a 'spectrum hit') to make it a little 'movie' - there is a berserker with such a weird pose that is moving. The others that are on the screen already had been respawned so i could recognise their activities.





Author:  Xylar [ Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zombies bug

Happened a few times again. Here.. Zombie shooting with fire:)



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