Losing Out on my Premium
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Author:  coldjester [ Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Losing Out on my Premium

I upgraded to a premium for 7 days so that I may grind out to 20 quickly. Every single match that I attempt to log into I DC from and that is if I don't DC from trying to log into the game itself through steam. I attempted to log into the game using the official download through the Panzar website and the only thing that helped was if I logged in as Admin on the .exe. This in turn causes me to have to make a new account and I lose my premium. I only have 3 days left and my premium is up. I only got to play for 2 days without any intruption. So I ask is it still worth paying for the premium or should I wait till these issues are resolved. :?:

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