Steam Account SWITCH EU to US problems
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Author:  Sinphul [ Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Steam Account SWITCH EU to US problems

Hi. I'm trying to figure out how to untie my steam account from the panzar EU server so I can start on the US server. I know you can't transfer. I'd like to start anew. I'd play outside of steam but the payment interface seems to shady. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Author:  White Wolf [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Account problems

Answer form the Panzar Support.

Panzar wrote:

You register a Steam Account -> Steam Account has it's locale (Steam Region) -> you download Panzar -> Pnz Region = Steam Region.
Only if you Steam account has US locale.
However If you ONCE got a locale from Panzar - you're locked to this region.

If you want to play in a different region you always can but you need to download it from the Panzar website and install it for every region.

You have 3 regions US, EU and RU

In stream you have the same Regions but you are locked to one form the beginning. US is not up that long so the first players on steam were set to EU.

You can NOT logon to your steam account when you download it from Panzar. US, EU, RU and Steam = 4 different accounts and you all start from 0.

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