When in need of technical support:
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Author:  Ufinicie [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  When in need of technical support:

While a lot of time and effort has been put to make sure Panzar runs stable and smooth, in the PC environment technical issues are bound to pop up. To solve these issues, we have two main avenues: the Technical Support forums, and the direct email Additionally, if you encounter a technical issue, it's also worth checking out our FAQ for immediate solutions on many common issues.

Here are the recommended steps to take when facing a technical issue:
1) See the FAQ for relevant and applicable information and solutions.
2) Check through the Technical Support forums to see if other players have reported similar issues, and to see if there's a solution available already.
3) Choose to either post your own thread on the forums, where you may receive unofficial, but often very accurate and speedy help from fellow players; or send us an email to so we can help you out directly.
When creating a thread or sending us email, it's important to describe the issue as accurately as possible. The more relevant information you can give, the better chance we, and other players, have to help you accurately.

While we of course hope no technical issues arise, we're also looking forward in assisting you the best we can in solving such issues. Meanwhile, enjoy Panzar!

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