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More Noob Questions 
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Joined: Fri May 10, 2013 4:47 pm
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Post More Noob Questions

Sorry for spamming this forum with my questions, but when I ask my team in-game, nobody knows the answer either. :(

1. Sometimes I get a map that gives me like a Mickey Mouse head shape at the top of the screen, colored blue and red. Now, I get that it's some sort of point-scoring system for the red and blue team, but how does it work? Also, how many capture points are there for those maps? Sometimes I see what seems to be a capture point (with a fountain jumping up) but people ignore it and go to another point where the other team is. Only one capture point matters?

2. I noticed you can pick up barrels, long planks of wood, boxes, etc. by hitting E. How do you make the barrels explode? And what on earth do you do with the planks and the boxes?

3. When healing as a paladin, is there a way to tell who needs healing? And how do you know how long to heal one person for before it's ok to move on to the next? The healing mist has to stack on one person for a while before it starts healing? Does trying to get into my own healing mist work?

Mon May 13, 2013 3:07 am

Joined: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:55 pm
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Post Re: More Noob Questions
1) in different game modes the score UI changes. For standard domination you only have the blue and red score. For king of the hill you add a section that shows who currently controls the hill. In conquest it shows you what the next objective is. there will be 4 to 5 different points you have to capture. For meteor it shows just how many points each team has gained.

2) Planks and Boxes build things. TNT blows things up. you can light tnt by hitting it or it being hit. when you pick up a plank or a box rotate around to see any icons showing you where to go to use it. If there are no icons try hitting the Q button. If still nothing then you obviously dont need that resource.

3) the first skill i suggest getting is the right click for your heal. This uses energy as well as mana to cast but it does a nice chunk of heal. Additionally you notice how much people need healing by the outline around them. Second skill you should get should always be the health powder as this will return some health to you while you're healing and keep you alive as well.

Pali: ComptonEMT - Tank: TheGr8ZigyPigy - Zerk: Beppo - Sapper: GizmoTron

Mon May 13, 2013 4:31 am
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Post Re: More Noob Questions
Paladin healing has been a confusing experience for many, so we made a little explanatory post of the basics. Hopefully it clarifies the system! :)

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Mon May 13, 2013 11:27 am

Joined: Fri May 10, 2013 4:47 pm
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Post Re: More Noob Questions
@ComptonEMT Thank you for the detailed reply, that was very helpful!

@Ufinicie Thank you for the link, checking it out now!

Wed May 15, 2013 6:06 am

Joined: Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:46 pm
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Post Re: More Noob Questions
Welcome. Let someone tell me what is a yellow-orange sign on the ground? Did he give you something that is just like that?

Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:22 pm
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Joined: Sat Apr 27, 2013 5:02 am
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Post Re: More Noob Questions
Hunte® wrote:
Welcome. Let someone tell me what is a yellow-orange sign on the ground? Did he give you something that is just like that?

It gives a small regen buff for stam hp and mana.

Triffilin - Paladin
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Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:37 pm
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