Altar, forge and so on inactive
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Author:  Fray [ Mon May 18, 2015 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Altar, forge and so on inactive


I've came back to Panzar after a long break and I have a huge problem. Maybe this is something implemented that I dont know.
After finishing tutorial I had a hand icon pointing to PLAY and a comment sounding like "this is a time to chek this in battle" ( i use a polish client ).
I finished that one and used a point to uunlock one skill in altar ( helpful hand let me do it ). However Im lvl 5 now and still no access to forge/altar.
As far as I know I should have 2 point available in altar and availability to create some eq.

Help me pls :)

Author:  White Wolf [ Mon May 18, 2015 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Altar, forge and so on inactive

Please send screenshot of you alter tab to

Author:  Fray [ Mon May 18, 2015 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Altar, forge and so on inactive

Well. What is an alter tab?

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