Advice For Free to Play Gamers
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Author:  Lord Teardanos [ Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Advice For Free to Play Gamers

NEVER LEVEL UP FURTHER THAN LV 9 (if you do, delete character and make a new one or play further to LV20 and tear all your hair out of head (doesn't work for bald people *giggles*) while suffering from constant anger or ''WTF'' moments. May differ with personalities.)

-You'll regret doing that for a multiple reasons, like unimaginable long queue times to join a battle (maybe you wont get in at all) and of course a big chance that you end up in a game with +15lv players who can LITERALLY rip you in pieces without you realizing what just happened.

-You will meet lots of silly people with Egomania, F2P paranoic players complaining about cheating, glichers who mostly feed the paranoics, experienced players who feed on everyone! (especially on low level poor paladins :( ), more experienced players who play well.

You will enjoy game more on lower level games, than suffering from unneeded and unwanted headache on higher level. Game gets more complicated and almost unbearable on higher levels. Not to mention farming for gear and experience points.

You are Warned. :mrgreen:

Edit: Removed foul and offensive language and national hatred. User was temporarily suspended. -Ufinicie

Author:  Ufinicie [ Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice For Free to Play Gamers

I understand your frustration after having reached the next bracket and having to fight players with higher level and potentially with more experience. It often happens that the change is drastic when you move from being the biggest fish in a small pond to being the smallest fish in the big pond, and especially the first games feel devastating before you can adapt to the changed situation. Despite this, if you push on, it won't be too long before you'll again find your position in the matches and get used to the new maps, new abilities from all classes and new tactics. After this, you'll come out stronger.

Overall, I'm happy to see you feel so passionately about the game, and hope that soon the excitement overwhelms the frustration and you'll get to enjoy playing on the highest brackets!

Author:  Bourbon Kid [ Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice For Free to Play Gamers


You can create several chars, so you can bring some or them lvl 10+ and play those ones only when there are a lot of players online... Keeping low lvls for «low» hours.
About beeing a victim, well, I find this interesting to have some challenge. And anyway if you perseverate it won't last forever.
It seems to me that your troubles will be solved within a few weeks, when there will be more players.


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