Jeu Facebook et Twitter pour des Cry
Ulandar n'a pas encore posté et le premier jeu est déjà fini.
Je me permets donc de poster ici la news pour que les FR puissent y participer :
Chaque mercredi, 3 questions sur le jeu seront posées sur la page facebook : aurez 15minutes pour donner la bonne réponse.
Le premier et un random (tirage au sort je suppose) gagneront 50cry.
Les questions peuvent tomber à n'importe quel moment.
Même chose pour Twitter le Jeudi!
PS: pensez à changer les param de notifications pour avoir une notif à chaque post
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| Quote: Midweek trivia time!
Join us on Facebook, where every Wednesday, starting today, we'll ask questions, and you post answers. The first correct answer, and one random correct answer within 15 minutes will be rewarded with 50 crystals. There'll be three questions each Wednesday, but the they can pop up at any time (CET), so keep your eyes peeled and Facebook loaded!
Thursday Twitter Trivia Time!
Join us on Twitter, where every Thursday, starting today, we'll ask a question, and you reply with an answer. The first correct answer, and one random correct answer within 15 minutes will be rewarded with 50 crystals.
There'll be a question on each of our Twitter channels, so if your French or German is good enough, also follow the French Twitter and German Twitter for more chances to win! Much like on Facebook, the questions can pop up at any time (CET), so be ready! | |
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