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Shared inventory and other suggestions 
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Post Shared inventory and other suggestions
Hello Panzar! I recently had the pleasure of testing Forged by Chaos, and I must say that I quite enjoyed it! But...
I do have a couple of concerns that I thought I would share with you.

1) At the moment, every character you create is very separated, they earn their own loot and gold. In a game like this (short arena battles TF2 style) Playing the same character for a long time can get dull and repetitive. But creating a new character to have fun with a different play style is pretty discouraging as it is right now.
You see, I had played one character for some time and thought I would switch to another, but soon realized that they did not share the loot and gold that I had earned. I would have to start all over, and none of what I earned on this secondary character would benefit my main character.
So I think shared loot and gold among all your characters would benefit the game, I will be maining a tank, but anytime I want I can change to something else and have fun with that, while still benefiting my tank thus removing the need for me to grind constantly on my tank to get somewhere ( I would still have to play the tank to gain levels of course ) and then when I at some point max out my tank, I would be earning loot and gold to use on my other characters.

I do understand that you want the game to be somewhat MMOlike but I do think that some kind of incentive to play different characters would benefit the game.

2) Gaining exp/gold during a battle seems unfair for certain classes. I mainly played a Tank and a Saper. And I found that just standing back with the saper, throw down a totem and shoot at stuff, would get so much more exp and gold then on my tank. On the tank I will constantly stand on the control point to ensure victory and only attack enemies who come close to the control point. So I thought, why not reward players who stand on the victory point?

3) "Killcams" It would be awesome to have some sort of killcam, show who killed me, how, and how much health they have left and what buffs they have.

4) Smash attacks should mini stun to cancel other smash attacks. Its so freaking annoying to fight a berserker and smash at the same time, you hit him first, right in the face, but it does nothing and he smashes you across the map and runs up to you and finished you, because you cant block before his hit lands. If my smash attack canceled his, I would still have a chance, as it is now he can just smash when I smash, and he wins... This is just a suggestion.

5) It might just be my computer, but nevertheless. Every time I alt-tab or minimize the game. It disables the "fullscreen" mode and when I go back in the game it's in windowed mode, and I have to put it back into fullscreen in the options menu. This is very annoying.

That's it for now, I will post more if anything comes to mind. Keep up the good work Panzar!

Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:50 pm
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Post Re: Shared inventory and other suggestions
I agree with all the points except the 4th one. I think it needs to thought out a bit more, since otherwise berserkers might find themselves useless.

I thought I'd add my suggestion to the same thread:

Have an option to name each character you create with the same name as you have before. Meaning you don't have to create 8 different names for each of your characters and then have your friends memorize and add all of them on their friends list. Really annoying. I understand that some people want their characters to have different names and that's fine, but having multiple characters with same name under same account would be excellent.

Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:25 pm
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Post Re: Shared inventory and other suggestions
Yeah, point 4 was more of a rant because I just got owned by a berserker.

About your suggestion, and my first suggestion. I think the problem is that the game is just between a MMO and a Arena Battle game. Panzar seems to want each character to be separated and more like a mmo. But yeah. I would like the have the names tied to my account name as well as gold and loot tied to the account.

Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:09 pm
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