Well, actually the price doubling on most items was the main reason I'm not playing it right now.
That, and because of my examinations ^^ But, if it was even reasonable to keep up with runes and amus as normal farming,
then I wouldn't quit even in my exams. I am now playing another game (which I'm not going to name because I don't want my post to be deleted
and I don't want to come here promoting another game) and there it's perfectly fine for players to reach the same skill level, without paying anything.
And then there are alot of cosmetics etc which you can only buy with real money. Which, trust me, alot of people will do if they really like the game.
I come check here every week to look if something has changed, but everytime dissapointed ^^ No we don't want PvE, on a half working pvp game.
Fix what has to be done, and then you can extend your game.... I don't want to 'teach' you how to make a game succesful, but I can only advise you what
I think most people bothers during their gameplay.. And I still don't understand, how there can be no fix on a disconnect problem. It is really losing all your players slowly at a time.
All those small annoying things that doesn't get fixed, makes people really quit because there's simply no fun anymore, and other games doing better..