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Author:  Queen Bee [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  TEAMSPEAK for TEAMS/CLANS

TeamSpeak is something that definitely helps teams play better and coordinate their actions. I want to see if it's something useful for our Panzar community. So right now I am lending TS channels to clans/teams to use from my personal TS account. It is totally non commercial and just for you guys to use for a better player experience.

If this experiment is positive, then maybe it is something Panzar will look at. What you think?

If you have other idea's/combinations/suggestion to add to the poll, add them in a post.

Author:  TorronTonTero [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TEAMSPEAK for TEAMS/CLANS

I think it would be good idea for a single fixed channel clan, and that within that fixed channel they can create temporary channels, so never missing or left over channels.

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