LIVE STREAM: random crystal prizes 20.05 @ 13.00 CET
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Author:  Queen Bee [ Mon May 19, 2014 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  LIVE STREAM: random crystal prizes 20.05 @ 13.00 CET

Live Stream - Tuesday 13:00 CET - here


Plagued by bad luck and connection problems, we have decided to give every team who did not win the tournament a chance to win the random crystals. Here's the list:

Welcome To Hell (RestInPeace)
Red Moon (Gods of war)
Po Liftingu (
NEMESIS (Lunastra)
HeavyCavalry (TheBlackArmy)
LordOfWar (deleted) (


So due to the system crash during the Spring Tournament final, it has taken longer than usual to figure out which teams were worthy and which were disqualified: So here is the list we have created.

Nexus (Euphoria)
Aborc (Zabijam.lo)
Progressif (Eclusive)
Prince of Panzar (Legion de france)
Oblivion (Obivion)
Matreshka (Honesty)
Legion (Krwawy Legion)
Heavy Cavalry (TheBlackNights)

LordOf War ( as announced on previous crystal draw, any team who wins the crystal draw 3 times, forfeits 1turn on the random crystal prize draw. LORDofWAR has won 3/4 random draws and will not be included in the Spring Tournament Final draw.

Author:  Jack Ripper [ Mon May 19, 2014 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LIVE STREAM: random crystal prizes 20.05 @ 13.00 CET

I mean when we date the crystals, for the last tournament

Author:  Queen Bee [ Mon May 19, 2014 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LIVE STREAM: random crystal prizes 20.05 @ 13.00 CET

Jack Ripper wrote:
I mean when we date the crystals, for the last tournament

Clan leader emailed during the weekend. They have been approved this morning and should be on your account this evening.

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