Thank you for coming, enjoy your stay
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Author:  boardadmin [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Thank you for coming, enjoy your stay

First of all - thank you all for paying attention to 'Forged by Chaos project'. We want to apologize, but at first we will not be able to answer all your questions immediately - some aspects still covered by NDA, some questions need to reach critical mass to receive an answer, and for some questions we currently have no answer at all. The only thing we can promise for now - none of your questions will be leaved unattended. Frequent ones - takes their part in F.A.Q. section, most interest ones - will be answered as soon as possible, and may be some of your suggestions you find in the game itself. Also, we will keep posing technological images and pictures to reveal our 'kitchen' to all who interested in.

Thank you all, our old, new and upcoming friends. We try to make your visit here worth it's time.

Panzar Studio.

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