Looking for a Clan. [Competitive Gamer Here]
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Author:  LittlePonnies [ Mon May 13, 2013 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Looking for a Clan. [Competitive Gamer Here]

I'm an asian and i would like to join.
I'm a competitive gamer and my ping doesn't affect my gaming at all i got high speed line.
I would like to Join and Smash with you guys!

Forum name/IGN: LittlePony (SoF) / LittlePonnies (Gunner)
Age: 23 / SouthEastAsia
Game character: Gunner
Main class: Gunner/Berserker
Region / Timezone: GMT+6
Most active time: Most of the time
Do you speak English? If not, main language: Yes i can speak and write in English fluently.

Looking forward to join with you guys!

just add me in-game: LittlePony (SoF) - LittlePonnies (Gunner)

Author:  Hansen [ Tue May 14, 2013 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a Clan. [Competitive Gamer Here]

I am really intressted about your current champions level?

I am a very competitive guy myself. and would love to hook up a sweet team for some tournaments and contests.
I currently got a clan with some friends and a couple of randoms, "Swedish Viking"
But I would like to take this game to the next level. as I think you are willing to only annoying thing i find betwin you and me is the timezones :) i am central europe.

but I would love to play some que together :)

Author:  LittlePonnies [ Tue May 14, 2013 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a Clan. [Competitive Gamer Here]

There's no problem in game time. i can play and match my time with you guys :) Just convert my Time GMT+6 to your time so i would know my time to play with you guys.

add me in-game LittlePonnies - Gunner :)
I'm Planning to make my Alt Sapper/Zerker.

ps. i think your clan is looking for Swedish only people. and i'm Asian and im in asia right now :)

Author:  Bone Crusher [ Tue May 14, 2013 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a Clan. [Competitive Gamer Here]

Hey Champ, I would love to game with you and If you like join Bone scavengers, It don't matter if u live in Asia as long as you have a mic and feel good about using it, I'm a serious Panzar gamer myself, and I want my clan to be so as well, to tell a little about myself I'm 22 years old and I apparently don't have a life (according to my girlfriend lol) BUT as of right now, since the clan as brand new its only me in it, but if thats cool with you I would love to have a game with you or at least a voice chat ;)

Oh here is our clan thread (again its brand new so don't hate) ;)


Also the Europe part will be changed to international. (the logo)


Author:  LittlePonnies [ Sat May 18, 2013 6:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a Clan. [Competitive Gamer Here]

I have my new char IGN: LittlePony ( SoF ), making my main char.

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