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BV and Match-Making System 

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BV and Match-Making System 
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"This is the sole reason you see so many naked players out there, who have been forced to not getting to use their hard-earned equipment, just to find a game."

hell no, i see lot of players that i know are around 5k that do that, lot of people aren't 6k+

member of God of War

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Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:53 pm
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Post Re: BV and Match-Making System
Snookeh - punishing is a proper word. It's like: have you paid for amulets, runes and even upgrades?
Do you know how to block a chain so you aren't dying in 30 seconds after respawn?
Well, that's bad for you, because you will not find a game within 20 minutes.

I have to take off pauldrons and armor to find a game. Not in 30 seconds like before, but at least it's possible now.
And dudes from Russia? Some of them (especially paladins) are playing almost naked, and they still on 6k effectiveness.
Who want to wait more than 5 minutes after merge EU and RU servers?

Should good players leave the game when they're on the top and look for worse game to not increase the value?

My other characters description:
GUN- I named him Armatte Baggins, which means little man with a big gun
FIRE- I named her Greta Soft, because you can freely stand on her skyfire
SAP- He's a Baguette Maker, knowing that full warrior is a strong warrior

Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:21 pm
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Post Re: BV and Match-Making System
Physician is right, in my opinion, a player who reached the 5 k eff should play already with all +5 k eff. With 6,400 eff waiting for the game is very long and inadvertently remove any equipment.


Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:49 pm
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Post Re: BV and Match-Making System
~6,5k BV with full amus and runes now. Matchmaking takes 20+minutes now.

Very, very disappointed gamer and thus not a possible customer due to hotfixes 33.5 & 33.6 and patch 33.7

- Paladin -

Revenge is a dish best served cold
Old Klingon Proverb

Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:31 pm
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Post Re: BV and Match-Making System
in the same game i saw 4300 BV and 6300 BV what's the biggest gap possible?

member of God of War

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how to kill a game? ask panzar crew !

Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:52 pm
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Post Re: BV and Match-Making System
[i]Here is how the MM system organises the teams:

SUM of the BV of one of the teams = SUM of BV of the other.
The difference between SUMs can be no bigger than 10%.
To understand the total team BV you should not compare chars individually but the total sum of team BV

And it should be different. What chances does a team with 2 orcs bv 3,5-4,5k has with an opponent where there are 2 orcs bv >5k? Not once i played a game where the 'better' orcs had also a 'better' healer, or just a healer with lack of him in the 'worse equipped with orcs' team. A better firemage in the team of the 2 'worse' orcs won't make it balanced.
I also once had a game recently where there were 2 ice mages in the defending team (dwarven quarry) and 1 ice mage in the attacking team. The mage from the attacking team had gone. Can anyone imagine at all taht the team without any ice wins? I don't really think it is possible. That's why imho such chars should be put in game when it's 2vs2 or 1vs1, maybe 1vs0 with no possibility for any other ice to join to the team with one. Never 2vs1.

Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:15 am
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I guess the most players with 6k+ on this thread are healers, right?

Then please change that the healers dont get as that much XP and not so much +points for BV.

A normal healer can be easy at the first position.

I guess this would help all healers which have long waiting times.

And ofc the BV-calculating is realy bad. I still ask me why you can give points for RANDOM games.

Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:54 am

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Post Re: BV and Match-Making System
As I said the system is very noob-friendly.

Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:51 pm

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Post Re: BV and Match-Making System
The word punishment has appeared a lot. It is not the aim of PANZAR to punish the best players - however finding a balance between supporting new player integration, MM balance and top players is a delicate exercise. We are continuing to work on this question.


Unhumbly, Your European Community Manager


Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:28 pm

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Post Re: BV and Match-Making System
All players with high value And premium active, should be compensated with the amount of days it needs to get this problem fixed.

Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:21 pm
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