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Post Re: Farewell
Mr.Unsichtbar wrote:
It's true! At the moment, I stopped to play this game. Isn't a joke. You didnt see it already? Written so less post since last week.
I'll make may be my last topic, like last words. Will be big :)

If only posted messages would give some in_game things, this forum would get a fresh breath of newcomers.
Unfortunately it won't ... :twisted:

Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:03 pm
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Post Re: Farewell
senjorpomidor wrote:
Dear Karenira!
See the trueth: (...)

I mostly agree. But it isn't point of my post. Sorry.

And I'm only ordinary player like others. ;)

Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:04 pm
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Post Re: Farewell
Mr.Unsichtbar wrote:
It's true! At the moment, I stopped to play this game. Isn't a joke. You didnt see it already? Written so less post since last week.
I'll make may be my last topic, like last words. Will be big :)

Oh come on stop it.. You are addicted, no one would believe this ;o

Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:15 pm
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Post Re: Farewell
Karenira wrote:
Sorry for strong words, but why people think that somebody cares that they leave game? I know, Alli is good player, he has many friends, but still... Everyday few players leave Panzar, everyday few start play, so why do you think that we must know that exactly you leave us? We respect your decision, we were reading your complaining (we even agree with some of it), so don't be melodramatic. If you say that you are leaving game, it's good for you. Unless we should cry or beg you to stay. Don't be ridiculous. I hope that you are real man and your words are solid... and I wouldn't see you in game again.

No offence, it is not personal, i wrote what I think every single time when somebody tries terrorizing me and writes that he leave a game.

If you not interested to know when a leagend stop playing this game stfu.
There are people interested if someone leave the game and why he is leaving.
You cannot write ingame massages so the only way to cummunicate when others not online is here in forum.

Sorry to hear that Alligator but i understand your reasons.Im really close to stop to but i will wait what exactly the new update bring.
Looking forward to step in the arena with you again in future.


Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:35 am
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Post Re: Farewell
Gandalf DerGeile wrote:
If you not interested to know when a leagend stop playing this game stfu.

Legends are born in different way. Not by complaining, nor by playing good. And believe me in one month there will be nobody (exception you, me and some other Alli's friends) who knows who is Alligator Blood. And if new player appears in forum, he will see only guy who trolling devs and make big deal because he is leaving.

Once again, I don't think you are legend Alli, but there isn't mean that I dislike you or I have a some kind grudge against you. On the contrary I like play with you (not so much against you ;) ) and I believe that you are cool guy.

But i hate people who make a martyr of themselves, and this isn't first time in this forum. Is anyone remember names previous "legends"?

Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:07 am
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Post Re: Farewell
Karenira wrote:
Is anyone remember names previous "legends"?

Almighty Gunner.

My other characters description:
GUN- I named him Armatte Baggins, which means little man with a big gun
FIRE- I named her Greta Soft, because you can freely stand on her skyfire
SAP- He's a Baguette Maker, knowing that full warrior is a strong warrior

Last edited by Physician on Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:28 am, edited 3 times in total.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:24 am
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Post Re: Farewell
Karenira wrote:
Gandalf DerGeile wrote:
If you not interested to know when a leagend stop playing this game stfu.

Legends are born in different way. Not by complaining, nor by playing good. And believe me in one month there will be nobody (exception you, me and some other Alli's friends) who knows who is Alligator Blood. And if new player appears in forum, he will see only guy who trolling devs and make big deal because he is leaving.

Once again, I don't think you are legend Alli, but there isn't mean that I dislike you or I have a some kind grudge against you. On the contrary I like play with you (not so much against you ;) ) and I believe that you are cool guy.

But i hate people who make a martyr of themselves, and this isn't first time in this forum. Is anyone remember names previous "legends"?

Maybe you shoud not smoke so much than you can remember better ;)

Like I said there is no massage System InGame where you can give information to people when they are offline.
The Forum is here to inform everbody who is interested.
If you not interested dont read it and specialy dont write in it.
You as moderator shoud know that and respect it and please dont go so much offtopic.

When you dont like this topics, do your job talk to Dev's or CM to get a InGame Massage System.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:26 am
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Post Re: Farewell
Alligator Blood wrote:
who cares what you think
just kiddin I ain't leavin', that game aint out yet

Alli didnt leave game. I left game.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:14 pm
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Post Re: Farewell
I think its good to leave message here instead of pm-ing for everyone in game. Because not everyone in game at the same time and here they get your message. If you communicate more than with couple players while usually playing.
And my reason why i left were emotions and life circumstances. And i were not complaining. Never in my panzar career.
If you meant me by "legend", then there are some points i would open up.
Why i thought you meant me ? Because i made post also when i leaved, by saying goodbye and see you, until ill BECOME A LEGEND.
Thats right, i sayd until i BECOME not that I AM.
And, one day i WILL BE A LEGEND. I got the right tools. I AM BORN TO FIGHT. I fight demons on a daily basics.
You will gonna see me as a KUNG-FU MASTER. I WILL MAKE A STATEMENT. I am on my journey. What started already from my childhood.
Not something i just came up. But the nature had done his things.
About alligator reason to leave is amulets and runes. So PATHETIC. Really.
Why ? Simple. Battle Value does the work for you. If you are so short minded to understand what i mean. I will not even bother to explain.
You get what you deserve.

Image Master 4 Ever

Wed Jul 02, 2014 3:32 pm
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Post Re: Farewell
Gandalf DerGeile wrote:
When you dont like this topics, do your job talk to Dev's or CM to get a InGame Massage System.

I did it. F.e. 13th of December 2013.

If you want talking with me on forum, you have to resign for argumentum ad hominem. It's rude and pointless.

AllStar wrote:
If you meant me by "legend", then there are some points i would open up.

Truly, I don't remember nicknames players who wrote that they leave. If it was you, that is another argument that writing about it is farce and effort to grab attention ;)

AllStar wrote:
And, one day i WILL BE A LEGEND.

I wish you that.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 3:55 pm
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