Orc Team for 4 Race Tournament
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Author:  BADZULU [ Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  Orc Team for 4 Race Tournament

I'm making this thread for Globi.

He didn't really know how to start this thread so here is our shot (I say we since he thought about it and i'm writing it.)

He made a list of all the orcs that he would like to see in a team, for him it would be the most efficient. However,this being said he is asking for other orcs to express themselves since the line-up could change depending on what our orcish army will be facing.

So here it is -> Iyomi, T-80, Hiramar, Cokeliko, 4x4, GeniousNagato, Globi, AHUOKAHEK (WOW sorry for raping your name bro I couldn't manage to remember it properly but you hopefully recognized youself), Weird and myself. If you have anything to say about this lineup, please say it. Hopefully the team will regroup the strongest orcs so we need your thoughts too.

So I said earlier, Globi would like other orcs to leave a message on this thread in order to have some different setups with (not always) different people. However leaving a message here doesn't guarantee you with a slot in the roster. Our all mighty Orc king will have the final word on it.

The final team will be made "at the last moment" (because we will be adapting to the ennemy team) so if you are eager to fight for the Orcs, then leave a message and be ready because he might need you :)

To finish with, he wanted to be clear on the fact that if he didn't pick you, there is no hard feelings. He picked what he thought best on the moment.

Author:  Tarrington [ Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Orc Team for 4 Race Tournament

So I should demand to be on the team right?

Author:  BADZULU [ Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Orc Team for 4 Race Tournament

Yeah for those who were not mentionned in the "ideal" setup that the leader imagined you should express your desire of being part of the orc team. Even though this tournament is for fun, the teams should be containing the strongest representants of each race so he is planning on taking orcs that have proven their worth in battle (I tried to add a bit of an epic tone to the text I may have failed big times :()
If you feel that you are or know orcs that you think have their slot in the roster express yourselves :) Chosing only +-10 players from a community this large is not an easy task and that is why he also needs other people's opinion on who should be chosen to get in the team.

Author:  Tarrington [ Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Orc Team for 4 Race Tournament

No, for as much as I have seen/played I would agree with the list right now.

Author:  Bumbalou [ Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Orc Team for 4 Race Tournament


Author:  YaChaos [ Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Orc Team for 4 Race Tournament

BADZULU wrote:
I tried to add a bit of an epic tone to the text I may have failed big times.

It great, Panzar style.

AHUOAHCAHEK - it difficult, read his name for me too D
AHUOAHCAHEK => John en Sanek (An Ioan Sanek)
but we all call him Sanek
I think we must create special topic how to read his name D

Author:  Ci0n [ Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Orc Team for 4 Race Tournament

You forgot onsuka :)

Author:  Roxrite [ Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Orc Team for 4 Race Tournament

lol Weird XD

Author:  BADZULU [ Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Orc Team for 4 Race Tournament

YaChaos wrote:
I think we must create special topic how to read his name D

Haha so true I'll remember it now.
@Roxrite by saying what you said I don't know what you mean, if you mean that he shouldn't be in the team express yourself with sentences rather than "lol xD" Again we want a lot of people's opinion to make the team so please be clear and precise and justify your choice.

Author:  Snookeh [ Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Orc Team for 4 Race Tournament

Orc team without me is not worth watching


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