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Junior and Grand League Startup Tournament lvl 1-10 
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Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:44 am
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Post Junior and Grand League Startup Tournament lvl 1-10
Junior and Grand League Tournament Round 1 Startup for lvl 1 to 10

Junior and Grand League Startup:

- To play this kind of tournament you need a startup this is a fully played tournament with more chance to win.
- Below ¼ final only king of the hill mode or Domination one loss and the tournament ends for you.
- ¼ and ½ and final 2 victory on capture maps attack and defense, to make a decision a king of the hill map)
- If this startup is finish the 4 team from the ½ final are select to be the first grand league players
- The 4 teams are also excluded to play in de next junior because they are already sellected for the grand.
- When the first junior will be played the 4 team in the ½ final will be invited to play against the 4 already selected from the previous tournament. (1/4 final is play in 2 victory)
- The first Grand will be played and the 4 teams of the ½ final will be the next Grand League teams. (all games are played in 2 victory)

Basic rules: Click Here
Addition to the Basic rules:

1. Min lvl is 1
2. Max lvl is 10
3. Min 7 players
4. Max 10 players

This is the way the tournament will go.

- For Subscription, leave a post with your Clan Name and Team Name Click Here
- Subscription ends Wednesday 23:00 CET (extention possible this first time)
- Minimum 8 teams need to register to start this tournament
- Grid will be posted in new post or by using
- Team Commanders need to post a screenshot of the accepted Clan Battle
- Team Commanders need to post a screenshot of the start of the battle with battle statistics (1 min pre-battle countdown and all players)
- Team commanders need to post a screenshot of Win and Lost battle (With all players and there points)
- YES everything can be faked and there can be fake team. If a fake is discover or a screenshot is disputed and there is no other proof bought team get disqualified for this round and the next tournament
- If you do not provide proof of Battle Invite, Battle Start, Battle End (result) the battle has not happened.

With kind regards,

White Wolfs
White Wolfs P - White Wolfs B - White Wolfs T - White Wolfs G - White Wolfs S - White Wolfs FW - White Wolfs SF

Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:58 pm
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