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Italian Channel 
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Joined: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:38 pm
Posts: 1
Post Italian Channel
Hello, I apologize for the bad English but do not speak it, I wonder why there is a channel dedicated to Italian players at least for complaints.
get to the point, I would like to understand why, when and output the new patch, you can not do more than a decent match, already in the EU server it was not very exciting but you could play, good or bad with a minimum of delay (Lagging). to this day I wonder if it's worth it to keep playing to be used as pungi-ball by Russian players?
are 13 years of online gaming, and pay to have anything to do with a house so little serious it had never happened
I just think that they did a ban by hacker notice when the game Lagging only, and deigned to answer after 1 month and a half second, and then tell me that I had to set up the modem in gaming mode, you f-u-c-k-i-n-g geniuses.

Italian translation:

impossibile giocare

Salve,mi scuso per il pessimo inglese ma non lo parlo, mi chiedo perchè non ci sia un canale dedicato ai giocatori italiani almeno per i reclami.
arriviamo al punto , vorrei capire come mai, da quando e uscita la nuova patch, non si riesce a fare piu una partita decente, gia nel server EU la cosa non era molto entusiasmante ma si riusciva a giocare, bene o male con un minimo di ritardo(Lagging) . ad oggi mi chiedo se valga la pena continuare a giocare per essere usato come pungi-ball dai giocatori russi ?
sono 13 anni che gioco on line, e pagare per aver a che fare con una casa cosi poco seria non mi era mai capitato
basti pensare che mi hanno fatto un avviso di bann per hacker, quando il gioco Lagging solamente , e si sono degnati di rispondermi dopo 1 mese e mezzo 2 , per poi dirmi che dovevo impostare il modem in modalità Gaming, che cazzo di genii .

Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:56 pm

Joined: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:48 pm
Posts: 602
Location: Moscow
Post Re: impossible to play
Dear Sakahiter,

the Italians, like other nation, have the right to contact Panzar via the various emails with their issues. We are very sorry it took so long to get back to you on whatever email address you used. We had a support backlog which has since then been reorganised.

Concerning the Italian Channel:

We do not create channels for people to complain. We create them so people can communicate and build ideas, clans and share information. We give channels based on community size and activity.

You are invited to contact me directly concerning issues using the PM button underneath my nickname. I am Queen Bee, your Community Manager, for Italians, British, Swiss, Hungarians, Polish, Germans, Spanish, Americans, Thai and all other languages represented on the server.

Concerning the patch, the majority are satisfied, and if anything, it is a great reason to improve skill. Panzar is not a game for the weak of heart - winning requires determination, hard work and losing too - sometimes a lot - until you play better.

There are plenty of topics concerning this patch and upcoming patches you can read - or google translate - from this forum.

I have locked this topic now and will delete it tomorrow. But I do look forward to your message.

All the best,

Your Community Manager - Queen Bee


Unhumbly, Your European Community Manager


Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:47 pm
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