how to stop produce what i dont want and get material back
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Author:  Frrfrr [ Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  how to stop produce what i dont want and get material back

hi, i got problem ... wanted to craft leggings level 27 and got all materials for it. but then it seems when i started to produce i dont know how production of lev 17 leggings started. i used always button back so might be some bug ... i dont know
but i found out it now and i want to stop to produce those leggings they took all my 86 cloth and 12 leather +8 glue
now i see that for level 17 leggings i dont need 86 cloth ... so how it is possible all of it was consumed for lev 17 leggings and only 8 glue? 19 tanned leather remained the same not used by lev 17 legs at all but 12 leather was consumed although not needed for lev 17 legs ...
now seems it is some kind of bug or magic
please, how can i recover all this? the production i stopped i just want materials back and start normal production of lev 27 legs
thx for advice

Author:  Palefox [ Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: how to stop produce what i dont want and get material ba

If you mean your tank level 28 as a subject of discussion:

I can't see any leggings you started or finished to produce after 16th February 2014 in our logs.
Please, specify data and approximate time when the production was started.

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