explain me please !
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Author:  Lilouana [ Sat Mar 01, 2014 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  explain me please !


I don't understand why at 1 pm a bord of match fell and why this one was then modified.
Strangely no team big is to face in the first round.. I find it inadmissible to make modifications, finally this tournament is not so random as that..

Thank you for supplying some explanations please !

Author:  Shadowindd [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: explain me please !

the way I see it, the random match making was change. and it is not ok, we got to respect the random match making. make it equal for all. if you make rule and change it, you welcome chaos.

Author:  White Wolf [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: explain me please !

Grid at 1 PM was a standard Tournament Grid.

Junior and Grand are not played on stardard grid and are NOT totaly random.

Junior grid is played 2 vicrotry out of 3 in the 1/4 finals because the 4 team that win get an invite to the Grand League.

This is done to make it more fair for every team that is playing in the Junior.

SO the Grand

It is not a standard Grid the 1/4 is also 2 vicorty out of 3 a decision making round for the teams that where selected before, so they get as much chance as any other team that has made it into the Grand. Every team needs to fight to keep his spot in the grand.

The 4 invite team are set against the 4 already know. So every team has to fight to get into the grand.

Author:  Yukon [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: explain me please !

I keep hearing about these tournaments. Where can I see results? Can I watch some of them to learn how to improve my game play?

Nm. I found the on twitch..I have alot of watching to do. I have already seen some neat tricks by the russians. A gunner will build his turret in the back, move forward to his firing position, and then port in the gun. Also, seeing some betters spots for placement.

Author:  Shadowindd [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: explain me please !

I want to know if it will be the same next week, so I can prepare a team, I am tired of last minute change and else. Panzar changing thing, day to day... its bad....

Author:  cokeliko [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: explain me please !

yukon, the streamer link is wlays up on panzar, on the top of the website u can see : current broadcasting, and here there is the twitch link for the tournament.

the results can be seen in your game : tournament ( under clan ) then select the tournament and look the grid.

Author:  White Wolf [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: explain me please !


Read what I write and sorry English is not my first language and I even still may mistake in my own language, this is a community organize tournament. I'm organizing it and Panzar is letting me use the Grid.

The Grid was wrong I asked Panzar to correct it.

Next week there will be a 2nd Junior and a 2nd Grand.

Junior, open for everyone that is not in the grand random teaming and 2 out of 3 from the 1/4 final on

Grand, Invite only, 4 already select from this week and 4 team invited from the 1/2 final in the Junior, I'm going to write it know that there is no room for mistakes. The 4 selected from this week will be the first 4 opponents, 1 for every invited junior, the invited will be placed randomly.

As for the results, they are on the forum as soon as i find the time, it was 0:30 when I posted them. Streamer that I find are posted with te results.
Junior Results
Grand Results

For a list of players that have streamed or are still streaming Panzar. Click Here

Author:  Shadowindd [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: explain me please !

ok, thanks for the answer.

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