Last Show Your Team Contest III - from 11th Sep to 24th sep
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Author:  White Wolf [ Fri Sep 11, 2015 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Last Show Your Team Contest III - from 11th Sep to 24th sep



Here we are a brand new contest called "Show Your Team". The essence of the competition is to create a team picture. This is a team and clan contest you will need 9 members of 1 Clan to make this possible. What is required I want a pic with 8 members of 1 team in the center of the screen on a map of your choice.

The contest will run until 24th sep 2015 12:00 CET, I will evaluate the pictures and choose 1 winning team that will receive 1800 crystals for there efforts.

Terms of the contest:
- Make a decent picture of your team. (I do NOT ! want to see a team picture without armor)
- All post and pic need to be posted on forum post below.
- Team commander add your char name in the post. 

What exactly you need to do:
1) Make a screenshot in very high quality at highest possible resolution. (only the person that is taking the screenshot needs to use these settings)
2) 8 members need to be clear in image
3) Make sure the banners are not visible
4) Make sure the player that takes the pic is not in the screenshot.
5) You can dress/color with any kind of armor you want, at the moment of screenshot you can be creative and jump or use emotion like you want so make it unique. (I mean a picture of 8 laughing members is allowed)
6) Photoshop is allowed.

Practical approach:
1) Create clan battle of 1 vs 8 of the map of your choice.
2) The 1 player needs to exit battle and join the 8 so it is 0vs9. (this will remove the banners in the back of the chars)
3) Find the location together and take up position.
4) The player that is taking the pic needs to zoom in to max and use the laughing emotion. When your char is laughing on the ground you need to take the screenshot. (this will remove the screenshot taker from the image)

You can use ot upload and post you pic to this tread.

Author:  wrzeak [ Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Show Your Team Contest III - from 11th Sep to 24th

char name:wrzeak

Author:  dreikers [ Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Show Your Team Contest III - from 11th Sep to 24th

Char name: ZerkCZ


Author:  dreikers [ Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Show Your Team Contest III - from 11th Sep to 24th

Char name: ZerkCZ

New pictures:


black and white? :twisted:

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