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Some bugs 
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Post Some bugs
Some bugs I'd like to report on, I'm doing some clean up in my screenshots^^

Map: Alchemist Cytadel
Situation: I was standing in one of the two towers near the second (first to fight for) control point, the enemy tank standing behind his ally sapper's trap used chain on me, so I was grabbed and walked into the trap. Then I was trapped inside the stairs^^
Met this bug for the first time. Here are some screenshots. Taken last night.


Next one..
Situation: Just like on the screenshots below. Me and the healer were just standing on the point and making the circle go more and more blue. The rest of the players were somehow underneath the platform. Once even after the enemy's respawn, they just ran onto the platform and suddenly teleported under it, they were all fighting under it, and the circle still behaved like the 2 of us were there alone. Screenshot taken on 30.03.


Map: Alchemist Cytadel
Just.. falling. And, something new. First time I saw this. 30.03.


Next, the bug that someone already reported and met it on Orc Burgwall, and it was like half of the screen 'bugged', here it's only a small artefact (look at the sister of fire). Met some time ago.


ps. Did you maybe think of adding the [spoiler] BB-Code to this forum? :)

Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:08 pm
Panzar Studio

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Post Re: Some bugs
Thanks for the report, we know about the objects being destroyer during game session - it's about to be fixed in the next patch.

Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:47 am
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Post Re: Some bugs
got something like this with the stair on alchemist too., a part of it was missing, still i was able to clib normaly.

member of God of War

tank cokeliko 20
heal lanonyme 20
frost cokelichnette 20
fire cocorico 20
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how to kill a game? ask panzar crew !

Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:07 am
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Post Re: Some bugs
Tonight I came up on another bug. Unfortunately I don't have a screenshot, but I'll try to describe the situation. On the map Dwarven Quarry on the second control point, there was a tank who knows and kept using this bug. He was standing on the right side (going from the 1st point) from the point, behind the bush, down the slope (we can say that the point is a small hill - so the tank was standing down this hill at the mentioned place). He was grabbing ppl from middle with his chain which caused them go under the texture and then fall a bit into the water, completely underneath the ground - just grabbing them (us) caused their death.
Is this legal, by the way?

While I'll play now I'll show the place exactly on a screenshot once I remember to take one.

Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:27 am
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Post Re: Some bugs
Well it seems like I didn't play on dwarven quarry for a few days. But I have a question about if it's a bug or not.
I am thinking about the button on the second point on the Siege of the Swamp Fort map. Does it work at all yet? I have a feeling that it's no longer active.

Also, another bug. It sometimes (rarely, but does) happen to me that I respawn with 1 HP. I go to the fight and don't deal any damage. Other players do see me and try to hit me but they also don't deal any damage. After a few seconds I respawn normally with the first upcoming wave. It does not only appear on the Alchemist Cytadel map (just the two screens).


As for the bug where ppl respawn in random places - I think it isn't fixed. Not sure tho, have to check that to assure myself yet.

Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:37 am
Panzar Studio

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Post Re: Some bugs
Thanks a lot for the report. Disappearing objects fixed, linking to a different person fixed as well.

Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:59 am
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Post Re: Some bugs
I've just tried to play PvE. The game loaded, I got in. I started falling. Just like ppl sometimes fall while the 1 minute time of waiting for a pvp match. The problem is that I joined an already going game, the guys were fighting the first boss (by the way, there were 4 orcs and an ice, and then I got in as a zerker, lol). So there was no way for me to play, I left the game so that it didn't get stuck if they died.
I guess I'll get a penalty for that, which I wouldn't be happy with...

Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:17 am
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