Some bugs I'd like to report on, I'm doing some clean up in my screenshots^^
Map: Alchemist Cytadel
Situation: I was standing in one of the two towers near the second (first to fight for) control point, the enemy tank standing behind his ally sapper's trap used chain on me, so I was grabbed and walked into the trap. Then I was trapped inside the stairs^^
Met this bug for the first time. Here are some screenshots. Taken last night.
Next one..
Situation: Just like on the screenshots below. Me and the healer were just standing on the point and making the circle go more and more blue. The rest of the players were somehow underneath the platform. Once even after the enemy's respawn, they just ran onto the platform and suddenly teleported under it, they were all fighting under it, and the circle still behaved like the 2 of us were there alone. Screenshot taken on 30.03.
Map: Alchemist Cytadel
Just.. falling. And, something new. First time I saw this. 30.03.
Next, the bug that someone already reported and met it on Orc Burgwall, and it was like half of the screen 'bugged', here it's only a small artefact (look at the sister of fire). Met some time ago.
ps. Did you maybe think of adding the [spoiler] BB-Code to this forum?