Deleting character
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Author:  killer9686 [ Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Deleting character

I just wanted to suggest that wait day to get a character deleted sucks. i made one char of each class to try them all out for myself, and when i was going to delete i found out i had to wait.
This waiting time should be taken away, and replaced by something else, something good. Forexample that you need to write you password + and random code which appears on the screen which is as i said randomly generated.

It's just so frustrating to wait this long.

PS: Panzar creators could also do such as other companies does too, like if i'm beeing hacked and the account is compromised and they delete all my chars and everyting there should be a "restore"-button for that, so i could call/mail the panzar support team to get it restored.

Hope you make this change
- Killer9686

Author:  Zaqreos [ Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deleting character

You won't say it when you got bought items on your character and you changed your mind bout deleting.

Author:  carlford94 [ Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deleting character

Zaqreos wrote:
You won't say it when you got bought items on your character and you changed your mind bout deleting.

There would be no way to accidentally delete a character if you had to confirm, then enter your password and a random code

If there was a way for support to restore characters your protected against hacking

I dont see what the problem is with having characters with purchased items

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