clans/players/teams profile idea!
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Author:  trollxwarlord2 [ Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  clans/players/teams profile idea!

This idea about making log for each player/clan/team
This log show profile of each player/clan/team
His 3 menu's
it could look like this

Win loses leave [player]
332 102 33

wins loses [clan/team]
332 331

I would post my idea in the page of idea's for making game better But Queen.bee wont see it

And idea about making watch system that make more easier to watch game not only on twitch we can watch how our friends play and learn from them or they learn from us
when press on friend name [Most be in game] new action is
watch game
I really don't know if the watch system big idea

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