benefits of playing without stuff
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Author:  Delat [ Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  benefits of playing without stuff

Why is that chars playing without wearing armour parts are benefited, allowing them to play with players on lower level with lower eff/bv and no skills allowing them to kill such *tards ?
Why aren't they punished with -30/-50% DMG or any other punishment, forcing them to play against equal players ?

Author:  Xylar [ Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: benefits of playing without stuff

Uhm.. but you are trolling now, right?
They are punished with damage dealt, as the worse eq you have, the less damage you deal or can survive.
My question is why ppl full stuff including amus and runes can play with the ppl who don't have full eq. bv difference 1k? Its a joke. Its not playable at all as the second group.

Author:  Delat [ Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: benefits of playing without stuff

Xylar wrote:
Uhm.. but you are trolling now, right?

Of course !
It's obvious that I'm wasting my time on troling, as if there's nothing better to do than getting couple kills....
Xylar wrote:
They are punished with damage dealt, as the worse eq you have, the less damage you deal or can survive.
My question is why ppl full stuff including amus and runes can play with the ppl who don't have full eq. bv difference 1k? Its a joke. Its not playable at all as the second group.

No, they aren't. I posted about month ago a sshot with description of an INQ owning whole team.
I've been told later, that this guy was lowering his BV as much as possible, and having all available skills + 30 lvl weapon, was able to take down whole 20-22lvl team for around 5 mins.
And then QB said matchmaking is going to be updated.

I have nothing against those who are stuffed fully with amulets. They pay = they should get SOME advantage.
But the ROI model of this game , and placing a puppies*word on those who could pay - but this became just tasteless - is against their own income.
OK, there are RUSsian players who pay for it. But why payments for getting advantage in this game is cheaper for RUS, than it is for EU/US/Worldwide ?
I paid for some crystals, but paying only to have A chance is against my own taste.

Author:  Xylar [ Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: benefits of playing without stuff

1st thing its amus that as far as i remember add aalmost no points to bv, and they are still a great boost. 2nd thing is well now 20 level players are usually kinda newbies (ya i know you could just keep playing with one or two chars and now lately exping the rest, but im talking about the majority), while such a guy isn't. 3rd thing, i think it's normally possible for 20 level to play with 30s. And cmon, not once on 10 level you play with 20s as well. Does it happen often that you aren't owned all the time?

About the last part, I actually agree.

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