Why are the emotes stationary only?
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Author:  Rin the Hateful [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Why are the emotes stationary only?

So many skills got changed so they can be used while walking. And everyone knows that most of the time, if you stay in one place, you're doing it wrong.

I want to be able to battlecry while we're running to the battlefield! Laugh while walking away from the dead corpse!

I know that's not really a top priority, but hell that would be nice.

Author:  Headquarters [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are the emotes stationary only?

Rin the Hateful wrote:
So many skills got changed so they can be used while walking. And everyone knows that most of the time, if you stay in one place, you're doing it wrong.

I want to be able to battlecry while we're running to the battlefield! Laugh while walking away from the dead corpse!

I know that's not really a top priority, but hell that would be nice.

haha. Before introducing the cool down to emos in this patch, we could do the emo multiple time in burst and then run.
cool idea, I would go with it as long as crying remains unchanged. I mean come on, the way paladin fall on his knees and cry over his beloved mate's dead body or sapper uses his weapon as a crying shoulder, i wouldnt change that with anything :P

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