Video Settings suggestion(s)
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Author:  CKB [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:32 am ]
Post subject:  Video Settings suggestion(s)

EDIT: The back to the 90s settings worked for me.

I'm recalling my original post on this term:
If we want the game to be competitive, shadows/spells/etc should be similar, or players can gain advantages changing up their settings to manipulate the graphics.

Even in a minor way, if this game turns competitive I think it will hinder it.

Author:  Natoyo [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Settings suggestion(s)


Author:  ComptonEMT [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Settings suggestion(s)

not that there shouldn't always be more ways to optimize but have you tried using "back to the 90s" as your settings.

Author:  Gorrinoceronte [ Wed May 08, 2013 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Settings suggestion(s)

CKB wrote:

I play on a laptop with pretty decent specs.
(3.0Ghz O/C [2.4GHz flat], 8GB RAM, and 1.6GB avail GPU mem)

Unfortunately, I still lag quite a bit when nearing other players.

The game is playable, until I get into the fray, in which I go down to 1-2FPS.

My suggestion is expand on the video settings.
Perhaps allow users to turn down Bloom, Shadows, and most importantly, Spell Detail. I think this would enable users to boost their FPS greatly.

I have it on Maximum Performance, but it's quite unplayable at the moment.
I have no chance to turn and block an Orc before he 1-shots me.

I totally agree, depending on the cpu and the graphic card, maybe just quitting shadows, u solve the trouble. Custom graphics is a must in any computer game ;C

Author:  ComptonEMT [ Wed May 08, 2013 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Settings suggestion(s)

ComptonEMT wrote:
not that there shouldn't always be more ways to optimize but have you tried using "back to the 90s" as your settings.

back to the 90s is awesome.

it also gives a visual advantage in a way to tanks. They can see their whole magic shield range... its interesting.

I dont use it but i've thought about using it when i play tank =)

oh ... and nostalgia

Author:  Kaerdak [ Wed May 08, 2013 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Settings suggestion(s)

CKB wrote:

I play on a laptop with pretty decent specs.
(3.0Ghz O/C [2.4GHz flat], 8GB RAM, and 1.6GB avail GPU mem)


I have it on Maximum Performance, but it's quite unplayable at the moment.
I have no chance to turn and block an Orc before he 1-shots me.

Laptops gpus are always crippled, at least 2 generations behind desktop versions in memory bandwidth. I wouldn't expect to play a cryengine 3 game @60 fps in full hd at maximum quality on a laptop, you should lower your resolution, i'm sure it will fix it.
By the way i agree about the video option limits, they must improve it a lot and give players much more freedom to scale the game at the very best cause of the different configurations.

Author:  CKB [ Thu May 09, 2013 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Settings suggestion(s)

I've updated my original post.

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