a report a player ingame option
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Author:  Noras [ Fri May 24, 2013 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  a report a player ingame option

Hey i like the game alot only 1 thing is missing for me. that how to report players who ruin youre game. for example people who just stand in front of you all game long just to block your spells is really anoying. would like to see a way to get those guys out of the game

Author:  Enigma [ Fri May 24, 2013 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: a report a player ingame option

Yeah, definitely, this game needs some kind of a report system so much.
I had quite many bad experience with players, who just afk the first 1/2 of the game, and when they are finally kicked, noone else joins, so its quite impossible to win a game 8v10 for example.
Nevertheless, some kind of demented trollers find their way into this game also, ruining the balance, by making stupid actions, like running straight into the enemy lines, just giving them free kills,running around and no help whatsoever etc. etc.
These people should be punished somehow, because without proper justice system in such game, many people would think its a cheap crap...

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