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Too many "interrupt" 
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Post Too many "interrupt"
Been playing this game since the european release: I've got to say, it's a nice one, but needs some improvements.
As many people have already said, orcs are way too OP compared to other classes, that is clear.
But I've like to throw in another issue: the ability to interrupt spells, especially to interrput ice witches.
While I know that Winter cold can be extremely deadly and OP (in some cases), at a certain level - early, lvl 7/8 - almost half of the classes in game can interrput you: berserkers, sappers and inquisitors.
Sometimes it's impossibile to use Winter Cold in a match, not even once.
This is just a suggestion, I like to play even if they can interrupt me, so I'm not qqing. Just saying this is another aspect that - in my opinion - should be corrected in some way, maybe increasing a bit (not too much of course) the skill points needed to use those abilities.


Cocytus (Ice Witch) - Nekrosis (Sister of Fire)

Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:52 pm
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As many people have already said, orcs are way too OP compared to other classes, that is clear.

--> Paladins with Ring of Immortality and AoE resurrection (It sure is fun to suddenly find out you're surrounded by 5 enemies instead of 1 paladin or to find out all your enemies are immortal).
--> Dwarves with all kinds of traps protecting their already strong turrets/barriers etc (flying in the air in middle of tesla poles, aww yeah!)
--> Sister of Fire can surely turn the tables with Heavenly Fire (aka Skyfire). If orc gets too close --> Shockwave and take distance (while spamming "request help" button).
--> Inquisitor can almost always choose whether to fight, or to leave. They also have Eye of the wolf ability to hunt down those poor enemies with low hp. So it's a decision between "quaranteed" kill, or little risky choice, which you can 95% of the times leave anyway if things are getting too hard for you.
--> Ice Witch AoE freeze, Black Ice, Insta freeze... If an orc can catch you, maybe you should consider changing class?

Orcs may have "cakewalk" -times at lower levels, just keep going further with those levels and you'll find out that other classes are heck strong also.

But I've like to throw in another issue: the ability to interrupt spells, especially to interrput ice witches.

Ability to turn whole team into a bunch of snowen, staying frozen 10+ seconds, just waiting for those xp hungry hyenas to turn you into a pile of ice cubes? You damn sure should get interrupted!

While I know that Winter cold can be extremely deadly and OP (in some cases), at a certain level - early, lvl 7/8 - almost half of the classes in game can interrput you: berserkers, sappers and inquisitors.

Sappers can't interrupt you before lv. 10 when they get steamhammer, which takes some time to build (correct me if I missed something).

Sometimes it's impossibile to use Winter Cold in a match, not even once

Like I said, that's how it's supposed to be. All it takes is some practising and good timing.

Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:54 am
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Post Re: Too many "interrupt"
Also check this video by Rowalowa. Good advices for all Ice Witches out there. ...

Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:59 am
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Post Re: Too many "interrupt"
You didn't get the sense of my post.
While I know that is a question of timing (sometimes), you miss the point that 70% of the players in squads are either inquisitors or berserkers. At least, this is what I've been noticing lately, since they generally are the OP classes early ingame, so most of the players go for them.
So, chances to get interrputed are like...80-85%? If not more, depending on the situations.
Plus, if we talk about "timing", a good orc can time his power attack to kill or knockback the witch without even the need to interrput.
Your argument is good for the later levels, but most of the player don't even bother to go that far since, at some point, the "P2W" thing gets a little worse (there are many threads around about it).
After lvl 10 sappers can interrput too, yes. Takes time to build the steamhammer, but once is done you virtually have no more chances to use winter cold.

As I said before, I'm not "crying" over it, I still like to play and always get in the first 5 positions. But in some matches you can touch the reality of this issue.
In my opinion, the game needs some serious rebalancing in the first - at least - 11 levels.


Cocytus (Ice Witch) - Nekrosis (Sister of Fire)

Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:40 pm
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