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Some suggestions from a proud sapper 
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Joined: Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:44 am
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Post Some suggestions from a proud sapper
Id first like to say I like this game and I really dig the action RPG style but i have some suggestions I hope the team will take into a account.

1. Don't let people simply be able to standardly jump over walls, if a zerker does his special leap thing cool, but whats the point of a wall if someone can simply jump over it.

2. Look as a sapper im sick and tired of being 1 shotted by inquisitors ok, ok I get it, thats thier thing but listen if i do survive dont make the inquisitor so OP that he can take so many power shots from a big friggin' hammer, this makes no sense. they wear cloth for crying out loud plz take armor into consideration in regards to damage mitigation. Make them glass cannons they absorb WAY to much damage at the moment imho.

3. The tanks blocking skill is OP I literally see two tanks standing on a cap and blocking for 2 mins straight and then winning, wtf?

4. Zerkers move too quickly for the fact they can leap maybe reduce speed by 2% or so nothing drastic.

5. Why can buildings be one shot and players cant this makes no sense to me boost buildings 20% more armor or more, please.

6. Ah yes and as I just died reloading.........please let the reloading be stopped at any point to switch to melee, lol.

Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:54 am

Joined: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:55 pm
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Post Re: Some suggestions from a proud sapper
1) I think this is more of an issue of the height of the object. However on maps like orc burgwall and alchemists citadel the point 3 for each allows you to get in and open the gate if your enemy isn't paying attention. Its great tactically especially with your point 5 being an issue.

2) Everyone can die pretty quick to an inquisitor. I dont see inquisitors dying as much. They are the ones who are supposed to deal with the support in the rear though. so they need to be able to get in do their job and get out. On the PoC they're not as useful.

3) I like playing tank but one of the more frustrating things are the elves... the silence ball sucks your mana right down. Additionally any player with his magic shield up can still be hit by normal attacks. A good combo is icewitch zerk. The tank has to decide which to block. Either way he's handled. The magic shield is a great powerful ability... its easy to stop though if you know how.

4) been talked about

5) I agree with this and was thinking about making a suggestion. in lower tiers they survive just fine. However after casting/commentating the summer league i notice how easily they go down to top tier players. A possible fix to this might be setting the health higher for different tiers or maybe having a modifier for how well you can kill buildables much like mastery.

Pali: ComptonEMT - Tank: TheGr8ZigyPigy - Zerk: Beppo - Sapper: GizmoTron

Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:30 pm
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