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Berserker and potion use 
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Joined: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:13 pm
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Post Berserker and potion use
I'm sure it has been pointed out already, but just going to point it out again as nothing has changed so far.
Berserkers use the most potions out of any classes by far. Not just most, but ALL potions as well. (energy PA, mana frenzy etc.)
Now even with premium I get 1-2 potion crafts per battle, and, surprise, I might sometimes use more than 1 potion per battle.

Compared to other classes the usage is insane, and should be changed. Playing a berserker without potions is pretty handicapped (unless you got a healer with you.)

Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:47 pm
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Post Re: Berserker and potion use
When you look from another spot, you'd say zerkers use too much potions. They always can e.q. kill a gunner cause will go once, destroy golem and/or whatever, go take a potion and finish the work. In fight they can survive forever if only alwasy block enemy zerkers' PAs.
I'd say potions should be deleted at all. Or given in quite different way, like not instant healthing but little by little one, like 200 hp per second, example. And i just thought about different health potions for different classes and then divided by a potion's power, like +2500, +5000, +10k hp. But it again relates to premium accounts about which a discussion is already somewhere else..

Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:17 am
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Post Re: Berserker and potion use
i'd like to add something interesting to this post, as i did wanted to do the same threat myself.

Why not maybe just ADD COMBAT STATE in wich potions can't be used?

I'm sure u had times that someone drinks a pot in 1v1 and u feel like u have to do the same to keep up with him.
Wich is rather annoying specially for tanks, they're barely touchable with those pots allowed anytime to fully restore to max health.

Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:49 am
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Post Re: Berserker and potion use
can you tell me how in the hell a zerk use more potions than tank?

life zerk 10 k tank 12-13 k pool life and regen nearly the same without heal it's the most usefull pots in game

mana >> tank drain h24 = mana pots too

power attacks are the same average if the tank is agressive

"Wich is rather annoying specially for tanks, they're barely touchable with those pots allowed anytime to fully restore to max health." well like i say it's annoying too if a zerk get his 10 k life back, almost like tank

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Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:44 pm
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