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English/Russian basic dictionary (as a temp solution) 
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Post English/Russian basic dictionary (as a temp solution)
History of the question:
RU Panzar community has been playing for more than 2 years with Russian speaking gamers only. After the recent Merge, even those who speak English seem to be lazy to communicate with EU players. But there's a significant amount of people who don't speak English or does very poorly.

What is this about:
This is an effort to get over the language barrier until devs introduce some in-game tools for that. Basic glossary could help both sides to understand what those people are talking about and also explaing what do you want form your team mates.
There's a duplicate thread on RU forum.

What for:
This may help RU players to get familiar with English game slang and improve communication for both sides. (My mum says) I can speak English, but my gaming slang vocabulary still doesn't help to explain basic things in a few words.

We've created a short vocabulary and need some help from EU community to fix English equivalents. You could look through the list and add/correct something.
You can copy and paste in chat what you need to explain some basic things or ask for something. I hope RU players would do the same and will learn English slang with time, as it is much easier for us, than for you to learn Russian.

As always, the shorter equivalents are normally most used in chat.
Sorry for too many letters.

Here we go:

Races - Рассы
ork - орк
human - чел \ человек
dwarf - гном
elf - эльф

Abilities \ Skills - Способности \ Скилы

Sister of Fire \ Sorceress \ Sorc \ SoF - Сорка \ Огонь \ Огняша

sky fire \ sky - скайфаер \ скай
(hail) \ skulls - черепа
torrent of flame \ tof - огненный луч \ луч
lift \ (shock wave) - лифт \ сдувка \ (ударная волна)
magic silence \ drain - манососка \ соска

Wizard \ Ice witch \ Witch - Ведьма \ Визка \ Ледяша

ice flow / instant freeze / insta - инста \ мгновенная заморозка
ice curse / curse - ледяное проклятие\ прокла
glare ice \ iceonthefloor - наледь
sirene scream \ scream - крик сирены \ крик \ вопль \ (концерт)
cruel split \ split - расщепление \ щепка \ щепа

Berserk \ Bers \ Zerk - Берсерк\ Берс

vortex / whirl / helic / helicopter - вертушка \ вертухан \ вертолет
crushing blow - пробивающий удар \ пробивашка \ (пробка)
sucker punch / kick - подлый удар \ пинок

Tank - Tанк
ram - таран
shield strike - удар щитом \ ущ

Paladin \ Pal \ Healer \ Heal - Паладин \ Пал \ Хилер \ Хил

ressurection \ revive \ rezz - воскрешение \ рес
ring of immortality - disco / party - неуяз \ круг бессмертия - I like the way streamer KillReal from the studio calls it: disco (дискотека)
dispell - диспел

Powders - Порошки
mana \ blue - мана
yellow - желтый \ скорость

Inquisitor \ Inq - Инквизитор \ Инк

sand / dust - песок
fetters / shackle - оковы \ куканы
rage - ПГ
plague - чума

Saper \ Sap - Сапер \ сап

teleport \ tp - teleport \ tp
mine / APM - мина
totem - тотем
mortar - мортира \ морта
hammer \ steam hammer - молот
flashbang - флешка \ слепа

Gunner - Канонир \ Кан

golem \ monkey \ (gastar) - голем \ гастар
barrels \ rocket - стволы \ замена
tesla \ tes - тесла
trap - капкан
gravity mine \ mine - гравик


got [skill name] (= have enough cp for insta\sky etc.) - есть [скил] (= есть цп на инсту\скай и т.п.)
Example: got sky - Пример: есть скай

OP zerker (?) - берс настаканый

fisher (chain abusing tank) - рыбак
Tank use your magic shield! - Танк, держи щит!
tank, pull them onto the traps/mines (?) - танк, тяни на капканы/мины

freeze (them)! - морозь!
our iceonthefloor / enemy iceonthefloor - наша\не наша наледь

sap, (build) tp plz - сап, (построй) тп
port up \ tp rdy - тп готов \ есть тп \ тп есть
tp being frozen (?) - тп морозят
don't use tp - в тп не ходтите
change tp - переставь тп

sorc, skyfire pls on... - сорка, кинь скай на...
sky on mid - скай на точку
sky on gunners - скай на гномов
teslas, traps, mines on mid - теслы, капканы, мины на точку!
dwarves build up on mid! (?) - гномы, застраивайтесь!
(watch out) TNT! - (осторожно), бочка! \ динамит!
don't use tp now - в тп не прыгать

Kill the gunner(s)! - Убейте канов!
DONT SPREAD THE PLAGUE! - Не разносите чуму!

to mid! / to middle! - (все) на центр! / на точку!
box - ящик
stone - мяч \ камень

sorry - прости \ извини
afk - афк \ отошел
thx \ thanks \Ty \ Thank you - спс \ спасибо
help! / assist - помогите \ хелп \ ассист
cooldown - кд \ кулдаун
p2w - донат
High lvl / Cap - Хай лвл \ 30-е
Disbalance / Imbalance - небаланс / дисбаланс
OP - имба
party / group - пати \ группа
gg \ good game - гг \ хорошая игра
gl \ good luck - удачи
hf \ have fun - хорошей игры
hf gl - хф гл
gj \ good job - молодца \ красава
w8 \ wait - подожди
wtf? - что за хрень? \ что за ...? off - пнх \ отвали
brb \ be right back - скоро вернусь
omg - омг
nvm \ nevermind - неважно
imho - имхо
Shut up! - Замолчи!
Def me pls! - Дефайте \ Защищайте меня!
Hold on together! - Не разбегайтесь!
Where're all? - Где все?
You can't play! - Не умеете играть!
Noob - Днище / нуб
HEAL (ME)! - Хиль!
np / yw - не за что/ нз
Focus on [nick/class] - Фокусите [ник/класс]

Last edited by Victorzza on Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:03 pm, edited 18 times in total.

Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:50 pm

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Post Re: Russian - English glossary (as a temp solution)
Won't hurt having it marked as a Sticky ;)

Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:17 pm
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Post Re: Russian - English glossary (as a temp solution)
should rename like: English/Russian basic dictionary but we all thanks for it we should copy some for the battles.:))


Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:19 pm
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Post Re: Russian - English glossary (as a temp solution)
HUNHammer wrote:
should rename like: English/Russian basic dictionary but we all thanks for it we should copy some for the battles.:))

Renamed. Thanks

Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:22 pm
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Post Re: English/Russian basic dictionary (as a temp solution)
We have a similar glossary:

Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:00 pm
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Post Re: English/Russian basic dictionary (as a temp solution)
Марки wrote:

It's the same, Марки.

Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:22 pm
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Post Re: English/Russian basic dictionary (as a temp solution)
There're some points of uncertainty. Would be cool if anyone helps with correct words:

hail \ skulls (?)

Quickening Incense = speed (?)

What you say when bers under rage has got lots of stacks? bers stacked, or something like that?

our\enemie (glare) ice (?)

tp ready (?)

fishman (?) - chain abusing tank throwing down his enemies into abyss \ water etc.

What you say:
- to ask dwarves to build up? Like building all they have on Darf Querry platform for defence.
- when allies shouldn't use tp. Like, tp is being frozen, or there're numerous enemies awaiting.

Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:04 pm
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Post Re: English/Russian basic dictionary (as a temp solution)
Move this text in the main post

Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:08 pm
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Post Re: English/Russian basic dictionary (as a temp solution)
Victorzza wrote:
There're some points of uncertainty. Would be cool if anyone helps with correct words:

hail \ skulls (?)

Quickening Incense = speed (?)

What you say when bers under rage has got lots of stacks? bers stacked, or something like that?

our\enemie (glare) ice (?)

tp ready (?)

fishman (?) - chain abusing tank throwing down his enemies into abyss \ water etc.

What you say:
- to ask dwarves to build up? Like building all they have on Darf Querry platform for defence.
- when allies shouldn't use tp. Like, tp is being frozen, or there're numerous enemies awaiting.

sof -> it isn't used so often I think and hardly anyone mentions it but if they do - they say rather skulls.
healer -> i thnk the best way is to say just 'yellow powder'. In general, powders are called with their colours here.
zerk -> i guess it would be understood but its also rather 'kill him at all cost';o
icewitch -> yeah glare ice or ice on the ground
sapper -> right (shorter - 'tp rdy?')
tank -> i guess it's 'fisher'.

Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:42 pm
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Post Re: English/Russian basic dictionary (as a temp solution)
When we say 'zerk is stacked' it means not just that team should kill him at all costs, but also 'be careful' and explains why.
Would 'zerk stacked' work?

The important thing here is who's ice it is. When u say it's our ice, team is sure they can run. And vice versa. Nothing like that used on EU servers?

These are still pending for comments:

What you say:
- to ask dwarves to build up? Like building all they have on Darf Querry platform for defence.
- when allies shouldn't use tp. Like, tp is being frozen, or there're numerous enemies awaiting.

Another buch of questions:

How you say - tank, pull them onto the traps/mines? When dwarves ask tank to use chain pulling enemies on multiple traps or gravies.

How you call dinamite barrels?

Any short names used for the following?
ring of immortality
magic silence
crushing blow
sucker punc
shield strike
glare ice \ ice on the ground

Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:02 pm
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