Rules? You want them changed?
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Joined: Tue May 12, 2015 7:28 pm Posts: 15
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
gtfo from Silver, you are in gold. We want too get crystals.. We almost defeated Blood inc (when bernd doesnt play xoxo) but vs Exclusive... This were very funny.. I dont know why you need more crystals.. We have to play at Thursday 15-24, because vs Armada, Exlusive, Disorder.. This is not a fight.. It's a joke.. So please, gtfo from Silver.
Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:29 pm |
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:46 am Posts: 129
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
LOL stop flaming all time. 1. Every one has the right to play in tournaments. 2. If u have a bad team it's ur fould not that from the better team 3. It's not possible for a new team to start in Gold League so u MUST start in Silver League About upgrades: Players hwo pay more will win much easier (more upgrades....) but u can also play real monay for upgrading ur chars.
_________________ EU Inquisitor - chefe Ice Mage - Uncrittable-Ice Tank - Uncrittable Zerk - chefeB Healer - chefeH Sapper - Seperone SoF - Firewood Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/chefeleful/videos
Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:51 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:44 am Posts: 234
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
okay guy's some facts form bloodinc player and also from tournament situation.
1.) Gods ice more upgrades then both frost from exclusive 2. And also more Battlevalue, ya he leave for this 32 games per week, but hey HE HAS MORE BV THEN OUR FROST SO HE IS BETTER. he write this 24/7 in global chat. he still write that he play better frost then me, im really suprise of his arguments in globalchat, you want some screenshots? its no problem, i save alot of his sentence in globalchat! 2.) your Berserk more mastery then gandalf, he has in fact 6.1k on tournament! 3.) vondal full mastery 6,9k mastery! 4.) Explo just stfu cause 3-4 disorder guys play in final from silverleague for unsung or i dont know the right name! also you take 1 berserk from armada, before tournament starts, also your team is full of leaver, who dont respect the rules from panzer with every leav from the game! So be quit my friend. 5.) Niax, gandalf, aventurine,kruq,mouho,notohop,Moonrime, NEVER got crystal in goldleague from exclusive clan! I dont lie, ask ww ; or ask swiwti he write the email. This are 7 player form 8, Vondal got 1 season from goldleague 1k crystall . You bloodinc got in the last 6 weeks, 4k *6 = 24000 crystall!!!!!!!!!!!Every Player from your team has. better equip like our 2 team. Only Mouho is crazy, but he pay all with realmoney, so if you want to blame someone for this. Go to panzar admins and told them this is pay2win game! Or life with this, i dont care . And Dkh.zera has no Bigrunes and play with 15k HP , Bloodinc healer nearly 19k hp, so sorry if you cant play, its not our fault! Try to improve your gameskill, not your flameskill thank you. So stop talking BULLSHIT!
Ps. I dont think that your team got better over Upgrades, you just can win to improve your skills. Also you spend your winning crystal not to your Tournament charakter, you spend them to Twink's. Then you come in, and want a new rule, that you can earn crystal without working on your teamplay, with this crystal you will upgrade your twink's, now you cant win so much crystal , for your twink's and try to punish the better team?
YOU ALL have no clue about fairplay, and working on his own skill, and this is your problem. And also the reason why you NEVER will win serios matches! sorry for you.
And next .
Whitewolf, its not okay that you try to include new rules into tournament before it starts. after some privat talk with some guys from our clan and you, you must allow us to play like we want. In fact we have many troubles in Teamspeak only cause of you! YOU are the Mod of Our community, and you must KNOW YOUR OWN RULES!!! Also i ask you for the link, for the rule against 1-2 player who play in gold league and want to play also in silverleague. You post me very fast a Link from rules, but there is no rule against this. Now my question, our commmunity manager know the rules from his own server or not? Last Season the same puppies.
If you dont know the Rules, Read it before you try to forbidden us to play like we want, its just a joke, that a player must post to our (only 1 ) community manager that he cant punish us for this, cause there is no rule. I mean what the hell is thisß
We all must discuss every time, cause of unprofessional, leader of tournaments ! also no usefull rules , since first season and still not change.!
Edit: Just answer here if you have really good arguments, and not bullshit like Explo. Nobody need a post like "+10 000" , we dont need kiddy Answer's. If you have not enough brain to argument against me, just be quit, thank you
Edit 2 : 4 Weeks ago i write here that the rules are really stupid, and we need completly new rules for gold. WW create this topic 6 weeks ago, after this he never answer on this post, no rules changed, he dont know his own rules. and try to include new one 20 mins before tournament starts.
sorry but for my self i create also some tournaments on other games for my self. also i was Raidlead from some wow /rift clan's. And i write in 30-40 Mins. better rules then Panzar Admins's. Also i cordinate more then 30-40 player and manage a DKP system , for fun. Its really not hard to build fair tournaments, i dont know why panzar has such troubles like this.
But most important thing for fair tournaments for all, is a admin who is neutral and know his own rules. Also he support this rules, and is agree with all of them! And he Punish only if he is 100% sure.
Its not possible that our only one Admin write to our team 20 Mins before tournament starts, that we cant play with this Setup. We ask why? And he told us this, that player who play in Goldleague cnat play in Silver. Last seasion Happy to do the same, nobody cares. Also there is no Rule Writen against this . Also there is a Rule on Webisite, Admins can change rules or disq teams only 24 hours before tournament starts. But WW do this now the second time against us! In Fact our Admin is breaking the rules, and 10 mins later he cancle this and take the rules correktly.
The problem is, with this tactik he give us alot of Problems. Many Discuss in our Really small Community. And in fact, this helps nobody, its only dangoures for our still small community, they are angry after every fail situation like this!
Best example, WW punishment last season for Exclusive. We was second place after this anyway, he write in forum that the rule are not fair in goldleague but punish us, cause disorder. Now Exclusive and disorder no friend's anymore, Explo goes to kiddymode, and write sentence like "your mother suck full exclusive's dick" and some other really low sentence . Our clan is not happy about disorder. And all this , only cause of unreal punishment without sense from whitewolf. Cause with punishment or without, we are secondplace (last season)
_________________ My charakters are Eisbaer - Frostwitch MaxderTank - Tank AuniderIngi - Gunner Aunderheiler - Healer Auni - Inquisitor Groruk - Berserk Aunionfire - SoF Aunii - Sapper
Last edited by Auni on Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:29 am |
Joined: Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:51 am Posts: 41 Location: France
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
"4.) Explo just stfu cause 3-4 disorder guys play in final from silverleague for unsung or i dont know the right name! also you take 1 berserk from armada, before tournament starts, also your team is full of leaver, who dont respect the rules from panzer with every leav from the game! So be quit my friend."
Who play in final in silver league ? I'm the only players to disorder to have played disorder in silver and I never play this season in the league Gold, so where is the problem ? Who are the other player ??? Who play for Unsung & Disorder ??
& stop flamme all player, u see I leave ? I am not leaving party then before going to tell you bullshit information ! and I am not responsible for the behavior of other players of my team, I am not their parents and do not forget that this is only a game. I will not soutient yhe leaves but it's not my job to look if they leave or not.
I am not writing this to troll you, but stop make generalities.
Sorry my english is not good, i hope u can understand.
_________________ -Disorder-
Saper: Tyrion final Healer: .Leonidas.
Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:10 am |
Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:44 am Posts: 234
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
you want to know who leave from your clan? mandalarin(berserk)Firemaster, Eliandoria,nosghot, happybunny, icelicia, synerg, misterfrizze, and some other guys ,but i dont know there name. This all guys push her Battlevalue, and with her leaves he destroy our matchmaking! Also in silver play your berserk manadalarin ( sorry dont know the right name) , and nosghot. dont lie here, pls thank you And i often told you , if your CLANLEADER flames, leaves, write sentence like "pony your mother" and so on. This is the fault from FULL clan, youz choose the clan, you ACCEPT the clanleader. so in my OPINION you SUPPORT the flaming from your leader . see you.. Or you go to a racist club, and play for them also support them. but if a friend from you maybe black, come to you and ask you, why you support racist guys, why you play for them? And you told them, "hey guy, its not me, its only my 10 teammates and also my trainer, i support them but hey, im not racist!" Its bullshit or ? edit: Ya you have right this is a Game, but why your clanleader write then sentence like "pony your mother" "your mother sucks full exclusive Dick" and also some other sentence to mouho while his little son is playing? You think this is Okay cause its annonym and just a Game? You Are serios? Dont tell me you dont to this, cause your Leader to this, you support them, watch 2 sentence up, best example
_________________ My charakters are Eisbaer - Frostwitch MaxderTank - Tank AuniderIngi - Gunner Aunderheiler - Healer Auni - Inquisitor Groruk - Berserk Aunionfire - SoF Aunii - Sapper
Last edited by Auni on Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:42 am, edited 4 times in total.
Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:14 am |
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:46 am Posts: 129
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
For exp. NosGhot played in unsung but don't know if he also played in gold league
_________________ EU Inquisitor - chefe Ice Mage - Uncrittable-Ice Tank - Uncrittable Zerk - chefeB Healer - chefeH Sapper - Seperone SoF - Firewood Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/chefeleful/videos
Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:15 am |
Joined: Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:51 am Posts: 41 Location: France
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
So as these people leave I necessarily leavers. I've told you I'm not their parents, and I have no time to lose. Panzar is just a game, I will not annoy me to explain to the players not to leave. Everyone does what they want. Also quoted me another team that makes the tournament all week at the correct level and with French players? There are none so I would not change teams. Another thing I do not agree with the decision of the french president, I have to change countries?
You make generalities you open wide your mouth on the forum while you never talk to me. You do not know any players like I know them and you talk. I do not know why you always Take the head between our clan but I find it really stupid. Do you have anything else to do? You do not think it is time to stop with stupidity and grow a little (on both sides).
Moreover I t (said I did NOT participate in tournaments this season so I saurrais say exactly who plays or not. For Manadarin, it is no longer in our clan and it was not as crystal it I think. Nosgoth is not a regular memdre of our clan, our healer is screem soul, Nosgoth came for a tournament and he changed clan since.
Finally you want me to tell you what this says explo the different players in your team? You think I'll spend my life to watch our players? I was not sorry to do it, however I would talk to all the players for prévennir that this kind of behavior is not acceptable, I will promise anything you put aside their talk.
My English is really bad on this post but it's late for me, I would correct it tomorrow, I want you to have my answer soon enough.
Good game
_________________ -Disorder-
Saper: Tyrion final Healer: .Leonidas.
Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:50 am |
Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:44 am Posts: 234
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
Ya anyway its not important who play gold and who joining silver. Cause in fact there is no rule against this.
Nonsense rule like only changing 2 guys in goldleague. BUt they take the TeamGRID what you have BEFORE the tournaments starts. Acutally for disq teams who want to change the grid(its not possible in gold anyway) . But this Rule is activ since 6-7 week's for no Reason.
Try to add a new rule Like you want . Maybe Panzar will change this next year.
_________________ My charakters are Eisbaer - Frostwitch MaxderTank - Tank AuniderIngi - Gunner Aunderheiler - Healer Auni - Inquisitor Groruk - Berserk Aunionfire - SoF Aunii - Sapper
Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:55 am |
Joined: Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:28 am Posts: 202
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
| | | | Auni wrote: okay guy's some facts form bloodinc player and also from tournament situation.
1.) Gods ice more upgrades then both frost from exclusive 2. And also more Battlevalue, ya he leave for this 32 games per week, but hey HE HAS MORE BV THEN OUR FROST SO HE IS BETTER. he write this 24/7 in global chat. he still write that he play better frost then me, im really suprise of his arguments in globalchat, you want some screenshots? its no problem, i save alot of his sentence in globalchat! 2.) your Berserk more mastery then gandalf, he has in fact 6.1k on tournament! 3.) vondal full mastery 6,9k mastery! 4.) Explo just stfu cause 3-4 disorder guys play in final from silverleague for unsung or i dont know the right name! also you take 1 berserk from armada, before tournament starts, also your team is full of leaver, who dont respect the rules from panzer with every leav from the game! So be quit my friend. 5.) Niax, gandalf, aventurine,kruq,mouho,notohop,Moonrime, NEVER got crystal in goldleague from exclusive clan! I dont lie, ask ww ; or ask swiwti he write the email. This are 7 player form 8, Vondal got 1 season from goldleague 1k crystall . You bloodinc got in the last 6 weeks, 4k *6 = 24000 crystall!!!!!!!!!!!Every Player from your team has. better equip like our 2 team. Only Mouho is crazy, but he pay all with realmoney, so if you want to blame someone for this. Go to panzar admins and told them this is pay2win game! Or life with this, i dont care . And Dkh.zera has no Bigrunes and play with 15k HP , Bloodinc healer nearly 19k hp, so sorry if you cant play, its not our fault! Try to improve your gameskill, not your flameskill thank you. So stop talking BULLSHIT!
Ps. I dont think that your team got better over Upgrades, you just can win to improve your skills. Also you spend your winning crystal not to your Tournament charakter, you spend them to Twink's. Then you come in, and want a new rule, that you can earn crystal without working on your teamplay, with this crystal you will upgrade your twink's, now you cant win so much crystal , for your twink's and try to punish the better team?
YOU ALL have no clue about fairplay, and working on his own skill, and this is your problem. And also the reason why you NEVER will win serios matches! sorry for you.
And next .
Whitewolf, its not okay that you try to include new rules into tournament before it starts. after some privat talk with some guys from our clan and you, you must allow us to play like we want. In fact we have many troubles in Teamspeak only cause of you! YOU are the Mod of Our community, and you must KNOW YOUR OWN RULES!!! Also i ask you for the link, for the rule against 1-2 player who play in gold league and want to play also in silverleague. You post me very fast a Link from rules, but there is no rule against this. Now my question, our commmunity manager know the rules from his own server or not? Last Season the same puppies.
If you dont know the Rules, Read it before you try to forbidden us to play like we want, its just a joke, that a player must post to our (only 1 ) community manager that he cant punish us for this, cause there is no rule. I mean what the hell is thisß
We all must discuss every time, cause of unprofessional, leader of tournaments ! also no usefull rules , since first season and still not change.!
Edit: Just answer here if you have really good arguments, and not bullshit like Explo. Nobody need a post like "+10 000" , we dont need kiddy Answer's. If you have not enough brain to argument against me, just be quit, thank you
Edit 2 : 4 Weeks ago i write here that the rules are really stupid, and we need completly new rules for gold. WW create this topic 6 weeks ago, after this he never answer on this post, no rules changed, he dont know his own rules. and try to include new one 20 mins before tournament starts.
sorry but for my self i create also some tournaments on other games for my self. also i was Raidlead from some wow /rift clan's. And i write in 30-40 Mins. better rules then Panzar Admins's. Also i cordinate more then 30-40 player and manage a DKP system , for fun. Its really not hard to build fair tournaments, i dont know why panzar has such troubles like this.
But most important thing for fair tournaments for all, is a admin who is neutral and know his own rules. Also he support this rules, and is agree with all of them! And he Punish only if he is 100% sure.
Its not possible that our only one Admin write to our team 20 Mins before tournament starts, that we cant play with this Setup. We ask why? And he told us this, that player who play in Goldleague cnat play in Silver. Last seasion Happy to do the same, nobody cares. Also there is no Rule Writen against this . Also there is a Rule on Webisite, Admins can change rules or disq teams only 24 hours before tournament starts. But WW do this now the second time against us! In Fact our Admin is breaking the rules, and 10 mins later he cancle this and take the rules correktly.
The problem is, with this tactik he give us alot of Problems. Many Discuss in our Really small Community. And in fact, this helps nobody, its only dangoures for our still small community, they are angry after every fail situation like this!
Best example, WW punishment last season for Exclusive. We was second place after this anyway, he write in forum that the rule are not fair in goldleague but punish us, cause disorder. Now Exclusive and disorder no friend's anymore, Explo goes to kiddymode, and write sentence like "your mother suck full exclusive's dick" and some other really low sentence . Our clan is not happy about disorder. And all this , only cause of unreal punishment without sense from whitewolf. Cause with punishment or without, we are secondplace (last season) | | | | |
Sorry ,but who normal man who Panzar is not his main option has time to read that. Calm down man,some people have to work
Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:46 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:28 am Posts: 202
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
If WW read this ,check and coment please. Gandalf said he plaid last week in Gold and Silver legue.Possible,because the battles are not in the same time. Maybe not all battles.I post screen where he said that. WW coment please? Is that allowed? http://oi61.tinypic.com/sy5nqq.jpgI will ask the studio also,but want see what WW say about that.
Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:11 pm |
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