Rules? You want them changed?
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Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:34 pm Posts: 10
Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:42 pm |
Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:34 pm Posts: 10
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
First I do not know English and translations but something bad is happening on the Polish chat after what is Polish chat if you can not get anything to ask for everything are bans grams of niedawana but I was upset and I think stops people complain are those who do their bans gives writes them Write to study but, they write me you do not know where he writes it on behalf of those who stopped to play by the ban can someone think of the Polish chat or change the moderator as to globalu continues to write while we do can not write because we have bans after 3 days after 24 hours of what people I even wrote if they wanted to help the new player is our chat is empty because people are afraid to write because everyone is young but either somebody very cares (its position), or want to spoil the game, please odpisziscie me to question what is our Polish chat like Do not write anything even tits with me like them can not write because the ban goes, please let somebody read who the guards send screenshots to our bans people are afraid to write do something about it because the young themselves asking, Why choose how to play a form of write point where you do not need and ban wrote to people who in August zaliły to me that to you have written but did not know where zrozómcie that something has to be done because they can not choose their players the person who supposedly answers chat has any responsibilities and with feeling By this is better because it is with colleagues at ts and together crabs whom how much to give ban is sorry Polish chat as now it is not needed because and so none of it do not make use because they are afraid and how someone will use it people who got banned rest does not He writes because they get information from colleagues to quit because bans for darma are flying even after making this chat to what is and what the studio please pomórzcie because we Pole mafia did to bans apologize to the interpreters but poorly know English Please bear
PanZar we do not know what to do, please please help
Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:42 pm |
Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:34 pm Posts: 10
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
If someone can please help Polish and players a chat please
Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:44 pm |
Joined: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:56 pm Posts: 939 Location: Poland
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
Ozdabianie swojego nicku jak i sam nick świadczy o tym że jesteś jeszcze niedojrzały emocjonalnie (kurczę, chyba wbiły mi się diagnozy przedszkolaków które miałem niedawno okazję pisać ^^). Podobnie sposób w jaki piszesz (wystarczy mi te kilka linijek na czacie) oraz fakt, że nie pofatygowałeś się żeby założyć oddzielny temat tylko wybrałeś sobie losową dyskusję na forum by wlepić 4 neizrozumiałe posty pod rząd. Dorośnij i wróć. A tak na marginesie, cóż to że moderacja na polskim czacie (i nie tylko tam) jest na niskim poziomie (równi i równiejsi, próba pokazywania "władzy" itp.), nie jest niczym nowym ani nieznanym. Jednak się nie zmieni, zapewne. Taki jest Panzar
Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:52 pm |
Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:34 pm Posts: 10
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
czemu mnie wyzywasz teraz ja moge sie czuc pokrzywdzony moze nie umiem dotarło to do ciebie ucze sie nikt nie jest idealny 2 zauwaz ze nikt po tych banach nic nie napisał na polskim czacie kazdy sie boi to jest chore
Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:05 pm |
Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:34 pm Posts: 10
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
ogladam global czat i naprawde mi przykro widzac pustki na polskim czacie chyba zle trafiłem zakładajac konto na panzar szkoda czasu grać tyle niedoróbek tu jest
Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:08 pm |
Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:34 pm Posts: 10
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
i taki jest nasz polski czat napierw wyzwac od gimbów potem zbanowac zeby nie miec problemu nie sami wy super hearosi gracie w ta gre uwierzcie inni takrze chca zaczasc cos znaczyc w tej grze i teksty typu przedszkolacy to chyba jakies niemiłe doswiadczenie o które mi chodzi jesli nic nie umiem to nie mam gdzie zapytac o pomoc taka prawda nasz polski czat to gówno powinni tego zabronic bo i tak nikt nie pisze a wiec ze niektórzy sie nie odzywaja ale czytaja i i duzo sie ucza z tego co widza nawet jesli by ktos rozmawiał o skilach na dana postac to inni to wyłapuja sorry ale dziwny jestes jak tnasz czat dziwny tok rozumowania posiadasz nie rozumiem was kompletnie co wy tu robicie oprócz kozaczenia kto jaki nie jest doskonały
Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:13 pm |
Joined: Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:54 pm Posts: 65
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
em. Xylar you have big mouth on forum but i didnt saw u in game. U play like puppies and u have no idea about this game. Thats no matter who is writing a post, if its a new player or a old noob player. Its a fact that the polish moderator tell only sh*t. He bans everyone for every words. He is the worst polish player in the game, and he dont use his brain, or he dont have a brain. Noone is writing on polish chanel bcs. Karioka. I Think there is a change needed. My suggestions is Kamilso or (and) Asmoy, maybe Rafalko too. That are old players, that play very well, thats know all about this game, that could help new players. They dont need appreciating up.
Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:16 am |
Joined: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:44 pm Posts: 657 Location: Poland
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
You mixed up two things - brain and leave button.
Sat Nov 21, 2015 12:33 pm |
Joined: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:56 pm Posts: 939 Location: Poland
Re: Rules? You want them changed?
What i heard about you is that you are ragequitter and that's how you made your bv. Why would i care about you? Yeah it doesn't matter, unless this someone sends a million posts one under another and what's more the posts are all off the topic he writes in. He should create a new one, and the reason he didn't is who he is (so here it matters somehow^^). I think that Karenira isn't the problem, rather his friends-moderators are. And from what you type - since when does a chat moderator need to be a 'pro' ? That's the only argument you give. Think of some reasonable ones, and maybe create a new topic, or type in the right one (afair there is one). Anyways, eot, and i dont care if you answer - no need, i won't care, cya.
Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:25 pm |
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